Hi there!
I am Pepijn Verburg and this is my showcase about me, my work and my growth as a designer throughout the master's program of Industrial Design. Let me begin with the story about my identity, vision and approach on design. I don't see them as separate stories; they are part of one tale influencing each other all the time.
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It all starts with my identity. I'm someone who connects the dots. I like to be challenged and I'm eager to find elegant solutions for every problem by integrating skills and knowledge from the fields of industrial design, computer science, electrical engineering and psychology. I do this with a healthy bit of optimism. In this process I'm a true perfectionist for whom beauty, reliability and consistency are key.
"Envisioning an embodiment of our digital world." My vision is guided by my identity. Our society nowadays values the digital infrastructures and information highly, resulting in a constant effort of translating these intangible entities to things humans can understand. I believe that many products don't use the enriching, intuitive and beautiful traits of the physical world to its highest potential, creating a bigger gap between the digital world and human interpretation. A proper embodiment of this digital world to "physical-digital products" [1] requires a designer. More specifically: a designer who can define the right balance between what to embody and what to keep in the 'digital black box'. [1] Andrea Alessandrini. 2015. Practices, Technologies, and Challenges of Constructing and Programming Physical Interactive Prototypes. In Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation, Masaaki Kurosu (ed.). Springer International Publishing, 132-142.
My approach tells me how I use this vision in the design process. I take on a hands-on approach when designing for the qualities in digital-physical products, systems and services. For this I'm likely to have an iterative process, switching between analysing, making and validating. I gain insights from people, literature, technology and, most importantly, prototypes. I quickly realize functional and reliable prototypes for in-the-field evaluations. In the end I connect the dots to create one coherent, beautiful embodiment of the bits and bytes we would normally not see.